Legislative and Regulatory Committees


The Registration Committee develops recommendations for ACSW Council regarding standards for registration and fulfills its duties under the Health Professions Act.  

The Professional Social Work Education Committee (PSWEC) identifies how social work education programs will be evaluated for accreditated program status, reviews program applications, and makes recommendations to Council regarding accreditation and identifies processes for monitoring programs in accordance with established competencies and standards.

The Competence Committee includes up to ten registered Social Workers appointed by Council, preferably including one representative from an approved Alberta University Social Work program, one representative from an approved Alberta College Social Work program, a Council liaison and up to seven other social workers representative of the profession. Social Workers who are interested in participating on this committee should indicate their interest on the annual renewal form. Council appoints the chair or co-chairs. The Manager of Regulatory Practice and a Professional Administrative Support provides staff support to the Competence Committee.

The Competence Committee makes policy recommendations to ACSW Council pertaining to the competence program, which, if approved, all Registered Social Workers are required to complete. The Competence Committee conducts audits of members’ portfolios. The Competence Committee has authority under the law to place conditions on a member’s practice permit, and if they do so they must monitor compliance with those conditions.

The Clinical Social Work Committee is a legislative committee established under the authority of the Health Professions Act (HPA) to make recommendations to Council on requirements for inclusion on the Clinical Specialty Registry and to review applications of those applying to be a Registered Clinical Social Worker.

*Hearing Tribunals and Complaint Review Committees (CRC) are established according to the regulations when a discipline matter requires a decision. Hearing Tribunals and Complaint Review Committees must consist of at least three members, and 25% or more of the members must be public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Registered Social Workers who have participated in a discipline training workshop with the ACSW and whose names are approved by Council are added to a roster from which members are selected on a case-by-case basis. Social Workers who are interested in taking the training should indicate their interest on the annual renewal form. Social Workers who have been a regulated member for at least five years are eligible to sit on the Discipline Committee. For information about the Discipline Process, visit the Complaints / Discipline page.